Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Educational Technology Tools/Apps which can be used in classrooms

Information technology has become so tightly woven into our workday and personal lives that it's hard to imagine life without it. Many educators are intrigued by the use of educational technology in their classrooms and with their students. They want to move past the productivity stage to the point of truly enhancing their own teaching and their students’ learning through educational tools. However, there are so many tools available that many teachers feel overwhelmed.

Advances in educational technology have changed the way educators teach and shaped the way children learn. As new products continue to be introduced at a rapid pace, teachers are becoming more reliant on it to engage learners and keep them hooked. In a survey held in 2013, three-quarters of the teachers claimed educational technology made teaching easier. In addition, 7 in 10 teachers felt educational technology allowed them to “do much more than ever before” for their students.
Below is a list I have been working on for the last couple of days. This list features some interesting web tools for teachers keen on integrating technology into their instruction and work routine. There are loads of web platforms that are educationally  focused and to contain them all in one list is way beyond the scope of a short blog post like this , therefore I selected only what I deemed the most important.

Google Drive is a great suite of productivity tools that works across different devices. Google Drive provides 15 GB of free storage. Whether you want to create stunning presentations, collaborate on a document, make beautiful drawing or design spreadsheets for your class, Google Drive is the answer. This is a must have tool for every teacher. You can use it to upload, save, create, view, share, collaborate and edit documents using a Google account. It is also useful for group projects where students work together on an assignment.

Dopbox is another wonderful cloud-based storage platform that allows you to easily save and store your docs and PDFs and share them with others. The syncing capacities of Dropbox makes it a must have tool for teachers. As a teacher you can use Dropbox to upload your files and PDFs and share documents and images with your students. The free storage capacity Dropbox offers for basic users is enough for us in education.

This is one of the best social networking platform out there. Create a class Twitter account and encourage students to use it to share resources. You can also use it to contact them with questions about:  due dates, exams, and  homework . Twitter allows you to create your PLN and connect with other educators from all around the world.

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking website that allows you to bookmark, organize, and curate your digital content into pinboards that can be easily shared with others. And which you can see at any time you want. This is a place where you can discover and save creative ideas. You can pin just about any image you find interesting on this site, but many teachers are using it as a place to collect great lesson plans, projects, and inspirational materials.


Edmodo provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. Edmodo lets you create your own teacher blog as well as students  blogs. You can share, embed, and upload videos, images, PDFs, files..and many more into this platform and best of all it is safe and secure. Teachers and students can take advantage of this great tech tool, as it offers a Facebook-like environment where classes can connect online.

ClassDojo is a great tool for teachers who need a little help with behavior management. Through the site, teachers can offer students real-time feedback on their behavior and can print out daily reports for students and parents. It could quickly become a popular way for teachers to spend less time on classroom management and more time on  actually teaching lessons. 

This is a platform created by Google where you will get to learn everything you need to know about using Google products in education.  Google offers a number of great edtech resources for teachers, including email and collaborative apps, videos, lesson plan search, professional development, and even educational grants.

The world's largest community for sharing PowerPoint, OpenOffice presentations, Keynote, PDF and infographics. With SlideShare, you can upload your presentations, documents, and videos and share them with students and colleagues. Even better, you can take advantage of materials that other have uploaded as well.

The current generation of students has always been influenced by technology. When teachers integrate technology into the classroom, whether by using tools, online resources, or apps, they have the power to engage students at their level of interest. The key is to find the top technological tools and to incorporate them into lessons in clever ways.
Technology can’t be the focus. Instead technology must be used to support strong material. Many of the tools marketed to educators in grades K-12 correspond with Common Core State Standards. When teachers use tools that support the new curriculum to prepare students to meet the expected standards, everyone can benefit.


  1. ماشاءالله! ވ.ރަނގަޅު މަސައްކަތެއް!މައުޟޫޢަށް ވަރަށް ފުންކޮށް ބައްލަވާލައްވާފައިވޭ، އަދި ލޭއައުޓްވެސް ވަރަށް ފުރިހަމަ އަދި އެހާމެރީތި! ކިޔަވާކުދިންނަށް މުހިއްމު މަޢުލޫމާތުތަކެއް ލިބޭނެ ލިޔުމެއްކަމަށް ޤަބޫލުކުރެވޭ، مرحبا!

  2. Short and sweet information about technology tools that can be used in classroom or other lecture sessions.. can include pictures, so it will be more effective..

  3. މި އާޓިކަލްގައި ކުލާސްރޫމްގައި ބޭނުންކުރެވިދާނެ ވަރަށް ގިނަ ޓޫލްސްތަކަށް ބަލާލެވިފައިވެއެވެ. އަދި އެ ޓޫލްސްތައް ބޭނުންކުރެވިދާނެގޮތްތައް ވަރަށް ފުރިހަމައަށް ގެނެސްދީފައި އެބަހުއްޓެވެ. އަދި މި އާޓކަލްގައި ގެނެސްދީފައިވާ ޓޫލްސްތަކުގެ ފޮޓޯ އާއެކު ހުށަހަޅާލިނަމަ އިތުރަށް ފުރިހަމަވީހެވެ.

  4. The content fits very well with the topic and the the examples provided are proven to be useful. The fact that there is a short yet thorough explanation for every example makes this very interesting to read.

  5. Mariyam Azeez's article witnesses a favorable and rich content about the tools and applications can be used in the modern day education and learning process. however, it could have been better if pictures or other visual media is applied.

  6. this article has useful information. If you add relevant photos it will be added benefit.
    good work Rifa'ath
